If you'd like to block ads on your webpage, you can use AdBlock or AdThwart. These extensions are both very similar, though they do slightly different things. Unlike AdBlock, the latter will block ads regardless of whether they are visible or not. You can also hide specific ads by clicking the "easy create filter" button in the address bar. After that, you can simply hover over an ad, press Ctrl+Shift+E, and click the button.
The AdThwart free download is a direct, single-link download. It's safe and works perfectly. Just follow the instructions on the download page. The installation process is simple and will lock any ad by default. Once the installation process is complete, you'll see a red face at the top of your browser. To make it even easier, you can configure the extension to block banner ads as well. It's also possible to select which ads it locks and which sites it blocks.
The AdThwart Chrome extension was originally designed to block pop-ups and ads from Google's search results. The ad-blocking database of this extension has been updated to include more than 100 million websites. Its main aim is to block advertisements on websites, but it does have some limitations. This is because the Chrome extension system is limited. It's recommended that you install ad-blocking extensions for every browser you use, including Firefox.